- ... steps
- The AntiAlC computation (p.
) differs slightly from this procedure.
- ... 5.
- The result without weights is found in the project directory noweights.
- ... harmonics.
- The result without subsets is found in the project directory nosubsets.
- ...Example.
- The sample project output is the most time consuming sample of all. The computation takes 90 minutes on an Intel Core2 CPU T5500 (1.66GHz) under Linux i686. This is mostly due to the calculations of the Sock and Phase Distribution Diagrams. In order to speed up the program, the user may switch off these operations by placing a # character at the beginning of all lines containing keywords sock:... and phdist:... in the file output.ini.
- ... of.
- Due to the internal accuracy of the index computation, the actual number of points may differ from this value by
- ... end.
- In general, the step width is slightly modified by the software to achieve time-resolved analysis over the entire time series.
- ...Example.
- The computation of the sample project antialc takes 7 minutes on an Intel Core2 CPU T5500 (1.66GHz) under Linux i686.
- ... csig
- abbreviation for cumulative sig
- ... series
- with all significant signal prewhitened
- ... relsens)
- Zero values indicate genuine frequencies
- ...Example.
- The computation of the sample project CombineNative takes 40 minutes on an Intel Core2 CPU T5500 (1.66GHz) under Linux i686.
- ... MOST
- MOST is a Canadian Space Agency mission, jointly operated by Dynacon Inc., the University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies, the University of British Columbia, and with the assistance of the University of Vienna, Austria.
- ...Example.
- The computation of the sample project order takes 40 minutes on an Intel Core2 CPU T5500 (1.66GHz) under Linux i686.
- ...Example.
- The computation of the sample project reject takes 40 minutes on an Intel Core2 CPU T5500 (1.66GHz) under Linux i686.