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Default Output

All output files are written into the project directory. A six-digit index denotes the iteration in the prewhitening cascade. E.g., an index 000000 represents a file obtained from the input data without any prewhitening, 000001 denotes a file after prewhitening of the first sinusoidal component. The general annotation #iteration# will be used for this six-digit identifier.

Example.[*] The sample project output illustrates how to adjust the output of SIGSPEC. The input file output.dat represents 16 nights (992 data points) of Strømgren y photometry (Vienna University APT, T6; Strassmeier et al. 1997) of the Delta Scuti star EECam (Breger, Rucinski & Reegen 2007). The light curve is displayed in Fig.10.

Figure 10: Light curve for the sample project output.
\includegraphics[clip,angle=0,width=110mm, clip]{eps/output.dat.eps}

The vast amount of output provided by Sock Diagrams and Phase Distribution Diagrams makes it necessary to restrict the frequency interval in the file output.ini. Especially close to zero frequency, the output may be tremendous. Thus the very low frequencies are avoided:

lfreq 1
ufreq 16

The frequency spacing is adjusted to speed up the computations of Sock and Phase Distribution Diagrams.

freqspacing 0.005

All other entries in the file output.ini apply to output files and are discussed in the subsequent sections.

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Piet Reegen 2009-09-23