Moreover, the user may indicate unwanted signal components in the input file <infile> by applying a minus sign to the corresponding frequencies. COMBINE reacts with a corresponding change of the sign for the reliability. If the user additionally provides the keyword reject in the file <infile>.ini, all rows are rejected from the output file <infile>.cmb for which the most reliable linear combination contains one or more unwanted frequencies.
The screen output contains linear combinations incorporating unwanted frequencies at runtime. To indicate such unwanted combinations, the reliability is displayed as a negative value. If the examination of an input line finishes with the ``best'' linear combination containing an unwanted frequency, the corresponding line is removed from the screen output.
Example. The input of the sample project reject is the same as for order, with a minus sign for the first frequency of 14.188 cycles per day, which represents the orbit of the MOST spacecraft. The file result.dat.ini contains an additional line,
The combination of this keyword and the negative sign for the first signal component in the input file forces COMBINE to reject all linear combinations incorporating the frequency 14.188 cycles per day from the output file result.dat.cmb. In the screen output, such linear combinations are indicated by a negative reliability, e.g.
row 005: f001+3f002+2f003+0.0136421 -0.325575
This entry is visible at runtime, but vanishes from the screen output when the calculations for row 006 start.
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Piet Reegen