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Program termination

There are three possibilities to specify a criterion for program termination:

  1. the number of iterations (keyword iterations),
  2. a lower sig limit (keyword siglimit),
  3. the reliability of the entire analysis is determined by the cumulative sig. It is based on the probability that at least one of the frequency components detected so far is due to noise. A threshold in terms of cumulative sig may be defined using the keyword csiglimit For an introduction to the cumulative sig, please refer to p.[*].

Multiple specifications in terms of these keywords cause the prewhitening cascade to terminate if one of the limits is reached.

The default assignment for siglimit is $5$. This pre-definition may be deactivated by defining

siglimit 0

in the .ini file. The limits iterations and csiglimit are switched off by default.

Example. The sample project terminate contains a combination of the keywords siglimit, csiglimit and iterations, applied to the V photometry of IC4996#89 as input file. For a comparison to the standard output, please refer to Example SigSpecNative, p.[*]. The file terminate.ini contains a combination of three keywords:

siglimit 0
csiglimit 3
iterations 10

The first line deactivates the default setting of 5 for the sig limit. The combination of the second and third line forces SIGSPEC to terminate after 10 iterations, or earlier, if the cumulative sig drops below 3. The screen output provides seven lines, corresponding to six significant signal components:

   1 freq 3.13205  sig 9.54539  rms 0.00449592  csig 9.54539
   2 freq 3.98471  sig 7.43085  rms 0.00422861  csig 7.42753
   3 freq 5.40684  sig 5.30164  rms 0.0040257  csig 5.2984
   4 freq 17.3677  sig 4.13698  rms 0.00388775  csig 4.10802
   5 freq 3.67101  sig 3.73187  rms 0.00378701  csig 3.57943
   6 freq 52.5182  sig 3.41319  rms 0.00369756  csig 3.18744
   7 freq 41.7372  sig 3.02872  rms 0.00361981  csig 2.80001

The cumulative sig of 2.8 for component 7 is responsible for program termination before the limit of 10 iterations is reached.

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Piet Reegen 2009-09-23