By default, SIGSPEC performs a MultiSine least-squares fit each time a new significant signal component is detected. The fitting procedure improves the frequencies, amplitudes, and phases of all previously detected signal components. The algorithm applies Newton's root finding scheme to the first derivatives of the residual variance.
The precision of computed frequencies via MultiSine least-sqares fits is defined according to
(8) |
The criterion on which MultiSine fitting is based is the minimisation of rms residual. Thus the rms residual is demanded to decrease from one iteration to the next. Otherwise the fitting procedure is terminated. To speed up the computation, the MultiSine fit can be terminated, if the relative improvement of rms residual drops below a positive number. The default value . This value may be re-adjusted by the third parameter to the keyword multisine:newton.
The two termination conditions are linked by a logical `and', i.e. the MultiSine fitting procedure stops if both the desired frequency accuracy is reached for all signal components and the improvement of residual rms drops below the specified threshold.
Example. The sample project multisine illustrates the application of the keyword multisine:newton to the IC4996#89 photometry (V) as input file multisine.dat. The file multisine.ini contains the line
multisine 0.001 0 0.01
which reduces the accuracy of the MultiSine fit, compared to the default values 0.000001, 1, 0.000001, respectively. The second parameter refers to the Rayleigh frequency resolution rather than the (default) Kallinger frequency resolution. The screen output provides four entries:
1 freq 3.13205 sig 9.54539 rms 0.00449592 csig 9.54539
2 freq 3.98472 sig 7.43087 rms 0.00422861 csig 7.42755
3 freq 5.40686 sig 5.29838 rms 0.0040257 csig 5.29516
4 freq 17.3677 sig 4.13727 rms 0.00388775 csig 4.10809
For comparison, the project SigSpecNative, p., employs the default settings.
For the first entry, there is no difference between the two results, but due to propagation of uncertainties, the following entries show slight and increasing deviations. As expected, the rms errors of residuals are higher if the accuracy is reduced.
Next: Program termination
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Previous: Frequency spacing and oversampling
Piet Reegen