SIGSPEC contains a simulator to generate and analyse synthetic time series. To activate the simulator, a sequence of keywords may be given in the .ini file to generate a variety of datasets. The sampling is taken from the time series input file.
The simulator activities specified by sim:signal, sim:poly, sim:exp, sim:serial, sim:temporal, sim:rndsteps, and sim:zeromean are interpreted as a sequence and performed step by step, following their order in the .ini file. SIGSPEC generates the synthetic light curve by performing all specified actions following the order of occurrence in the .ini file.
The synthetic time series is saved as a file with the same name as the input, but in the project directory, to avoid accidential overwriting of original data. If the time series input file is named <project>.dat, then the synthetic time series is <project>/<project>.dat. In MultiFile mode, if the time series input files are named #multifile#.<project>.dat, the synthetic time series are <project/#multifile#.<project>.dat.
Piet Reegen