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Spectral window

The spectral window is computed, if the keyword win is given in the .ini file. This keyword does not require any parameters. The output is provided in the file win.dat. It consists of three columns referring to

  1. frequency [inverse time units],
  2. amplitude [units of observable],
  3. Fourier-space phase angle [rad].

Example. The sample project output contains the output of a spectral window. The file output.ini contains the keyword win, and the corresponding output is found in the file output/win.dat and displayed in Fig.11. The frequency limits determined by the lines

lfreq 1
ufreq 16

also apply to the spectral window.

Figure 11: Spectral window for the sample project output.
\includegraphics[clip,angle=0,width=110mm, clip]{eps/win.eps}

Piet Reegen 2009-09-23