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What is COMBINE?

COMBINE performs an iterative analysis of the frequencies in a result.dat file generated by SIGSPEC (Reegen 2005, 2007, 2009) or one of the output files generated by CINDERELLA (Reegen et al. 2008; Reegen 2009). The input file type is detected automatically.

If the attempt to interpret a given frequency as a linear combination fails, this frequency is considered genuine. Only genuine frequencies are used to form linear combinations in the subsequent iterations. The decision whether to accept a linear combination is drawn using a mathematical model to assign an equivalent spectral significance (hereafter abbreviated by `sig') to a linear combination. This equivalent sig is compared to the sig of the given signal component, and only if it is high enough, the program adopts it.

If there is more than one linear combination available, COMBINE picks the one with the highest equivalent significance.

The underlying model leading to equivalent sigs and the reliabilities of linear combinations is purely heuristic and attempt to mimic the examination by an experienced person.

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Piet Reegen 2009-09-23