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Dataset Types

In order to avoid unnessecarily high computational effort and redundant output, if comparing all possible pairs of time series input files, CINDERELLA provides the possibility to specify which pairs of target/comparison datasets to take into account. Moreover, the user has the opportunity to identify datasets to be ignored.

CINDERELLA will produce one so-called single-comparison output file (see ``Single-comparison output'', p.[*]) for each target-comparison pair. If there is more than one comparison dataset available, additional files are generated for each target. They contain summaries concerning all comparison datasets examined for the target (see ``Multi-comparison output'', p.[*]) and ``Output for composed mode'', p.[*]).

Contrary to the file nomenclature, the six-digit format is not required for file indices specified in the .cnd file.


Piet Reegen 2009-09-23