CINDERELLA is an abbreviation of ``Comparison of INDEpendent RELative Least-squares Amplitudes''. It provides a quantitative comparison between the DFT amplitude spectra of time-resolved astronomical measurements.
The SIGSPEC technique (Reegen 2005, 2007) allows to determine probabilities for coincident peaks in the DFT amplitude spectra of different datasets quantitatively and in a statistically unbiased way. The theoretical background of this procedure is introduced by Reegen et al. (2008).
CINDERELLA uses the standard output of the program SIGSPEC, which represents the results of a cascade of consecutive prewhitenings employing least-squares fits to obtain amplitudes and phases of signal components. Following the SIGSPEC terminology, CINDERELLA returns a spectral significances (hereafter abbreviated by `sig') rather than a probability. This manual uses cross-references to SIGSPEC frequently. In these cases, the reader is referred to the SIGSPEC manual (Reegen 2009).