Kaiming Cui
Ph.D. in Astrophysics


This is Kaiming Cui. I am a postdoc at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute.

Research Interests

  • Transiting exoplanet detection with deep learning algorithms.

  • Statistical studies for exoplanetary populations.

  • Stellar evolution, stellar magnetic activity and stellar fundamental parameters (e.g., rotation period, age, and metallicity) for exoplanet formation and evolution.

  • Mining data and modeling light curves in photometric data.


  • Photometry: PSF modeling

  • Spectroscopy: Echelle and slit spectra with Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF).

  • Eclipsing binary modeling: Wilson–Devinney code, PHOEBE.

  • Stellar evolution: Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA).

  • Asteroseismology: SigSpec, Period04 and GYRE.

  • Programming: Skilled in Python; familiar with C, C++.

  • Familiar with statistical methods in astrophysics, approaches to deal with large dataset, machine learning and deep learning methods, and Cloud-based Docker technique.


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