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CINDERELLA is called by the command line

Cinderella <project>

where <project> is the name (or path, if desired) of the CINDERELLA project. The project structure is strictly consistent with SIGSPEC.

Before running the program, the user has to provide

  1. at least two time series input files consistent with the SIGSPEC MultiFile mode (see SIGSPEC manual, p.[*], and ``Time series input files'', p.[*]), and
  2. a directory <project> containing the SIGSPEC result files corresponding to the time series input files (see ``SIGSPEC result files'', p.[*]).

Furthermore, the user may pass a set of specifications to CINDERELLA by means of a file <project>.cnd (see ``The .cnd file'', p.[*]). This file is expected in the same folder as the time series input files and the project directory. For specifications not given by the user, defaults are used.

CINDERELLA is designed to answer two different questions, depending on the problem it is applied to. By default, the program runs through both modes simultaneously and provides both conditional (p.[*]) and composed sigs (p.[*]).

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Piet Reegen 2009-09-23